Brought to you by a dedicated committee and volunteers from St Paul's Church, ArtsFest 2024 is driven by the conviction that art and the imagination are at the heart of our shared humanity and are central to a flourishing community. Building on the success of previous festivals, ArtsFest 2024 offers a wide range of ways to engage with the arts - whether through participating in one of our many workshops or the community art exhibition, attending performances, enjoying exhibitions, or meeting one another and enjoying food and drink in an artistically rich space. ArtsFest has something for everyone: those who like to be hands on and those who just want to look and listen. 

We are very excited that this year’s festival will culminate in a remarkable community production, ‘Seasons’ – an ambitious and inclusive project that offers us a chance to reflect on our shared life and stories through a well-known biblical text in Ecclesiastes, ‘for everything there is a season’. Other performances and talks bring together renowned performers and creators from across many different art forms.

For those who are unsure of their ability or potential, we would assure you that the quality of teaching, leadership, supervision and support in the workshops will take you into new and exciting experiences. This is a place to enjoy working, learning and making, and to discover much about our shared humanity where we are together.

This festival is dedicated to Kip Gresham, Cambridge-based master printmaker, gifted artist, founder of the St Paul's ArtsFest in 2016 and dear friend, who died in May 2024. A selection of Kip’s work can be seen in the Foyer Exhibition that runs throughout the festival. 

Our hope is that ArtsFest 2024 offers space for us to encounter one another, our world and our own selves afresh, in openness and in hope.

Direction Team

Tim Boniface, Adrienne Chaplin, Martin Evans, Patrick Morris, Becky Warner.


The ArtsFest Team are deeply grateful to so many for their support and help towards the festival, especially Jane Gresham and Julia Evans for hospitality, Ian Trill for technical help, to the Vicar and PCC of St Paul’s Church for their sponsorship of this ArtsFest and for all the staff and volunteers. 


Churches have traditionally been great patrons of the arts and St Paul’s Church is no different: it believes that the arts have a central place in the fabric of human life and seeks to support them in whatever way it can. ArtsFest 2024 is designed to be as accessible and affordable as possible for everyone, enabling all in the community to participate and enjoy. Concession tickets are available for unwaged, students and under 18s for most events. All are welcome. If you are able to make a donation to support this year’s ArtsFest, please donate:

About St Paul’s Church

St Paul’s Church is an inclusive Christian community and busy community centre at the heart of Cambridge. All are welcome to our services and the many aspects of community life that happen in and around the building as we explore and express our faith in the boundless love of God. To find out more about St Pauls, see

All are welcome to our Sunday morning services at 10:30. On Sunday 22nd September we are delighted to be welcoming Rev’d Theodora Songhai (priest, artist, theatre maker) as our preacher as we conclude the ArtsFest.